2010年12月7日 星期二

[Android] Application Business Model

1. Paid Applications: Note. Unconditional Refund in 24 Hours 
2. Advertisement
2.1 ADMob (Acquired by Google)
2.2 Google AdSense for Mobile Applications  (not public, need high download ap)

2.3 mobclix
3. Donation (e.g., Paypal)

[] http://www.programmer.com.cn/2038/
[] 如何在 Android 程式中置入 AdMob 廣告?
[] http://ysl-paradise.blogspot.com/2010/04/android.html

2010年11月17日 星期三

慢跑運動傷害與跟腱炎(阿基里斯腱炎) 治療

  • 症狀
  1. 早上起床後的第一步時感到特別疼痛
  2. 當坐下休息一段長時間後再走動時會出現疼
  • 病因
  1. 跑步愛好者後腳跟疼痛
  2. 打羽毛球,跳起殺球後著地衝擊力過大, 跟腱應聲斷裂

  • 預防:
  1. 運動前一定要有熱身運動,以弓箭步伸展跟腱來增加柔軟度,
  2. 避免突然增加運動時間和強度,要循序漸進,不可過量。
  3. 不可以在過硬的地面上從事運動
  • 保守治療 (約三-六個月)
1. 口服非類固醇消炎止痛藥 或 外用消炎止痛貼布 
2. 休息
3. 離心收縮運動(Eccentric Contraction): 透過運動增強肌腱的拉力及強度,減輕患者痛楚。 
    3.1 弓箭步伸展

    3.2 固定腳跟, 上下腳尖 (e.g., 腳指練習撿起地面上的毛巾)

    3.3 固定腳跟, 回轉腳踝劃圓圈運動
    3.4 用腳尖寫字
    4. 物理復健(冷熱療法、超聲波深部熱療、雷射療法): 每天晚上睡前用溫熱水泡腳,有助改善足部血循環,對慢性的疼痛有改善的效果。
    • Note: 若保守治療不成功,便需要考慮使用外科手術切除壞死的肌腱或引發病變的骨組織。
    []慢跑好處多 保暖多費心

    2010年10月14日 星期四

    [Eclipse] Tricks

    * Use a Java library inside your Android project:
      1. Create a folder (e.g. “lib”)
      2. Place .jar into this folder
      3. Right-click the jar and select “Build Path” -> Add to build path.

    2010年10月12日 星期二

    [Android] Startup

    1. Boot Code (in Chip)
      *Configure Chip: CPU, UART, Memory, (SD), Interrupt controller, watchdog, ...
      *Download Boot Loader into Memory (Internal SRAM or external DRAM)
    2. Boot Loader (e.g., U-boot)
      *Initialize Source Sevice: NAND, SD, NOR, USB, Ethernet, ...
      *Initialize Target memory: DRAM, ...
      *Setup file system, network support, memory protections and security options, ...
      *Download kernel & application images from source storage to target memory
    3. Linux Kernel
      *Set up interrupt controllers, MMU memory protections, caches and scheduling.
    4. Android Init
      4.1 Entry Point main() in ~/android/system/core/init/init.c
      4.1.1 Clear the umask
      4.1.2 Setup the basic filesystem (/dev, /proc, /sys)
      4.1.3 Creates device nodes for kmsg and null (not /)
      4.1.4 Initialize Log
      4.1.5 Parse init.rc
      4.1.6 Pull the kernel commandline and ramdisk properties file in
      4.1.7 Parse hardware platform init.xxx.rc

      4.1.8 Trigger "early-init"
      4.1.9 device_init();
      4.1.10 property_init();
      4.1.11 Listen for keychords
      4.1.12 Open console
      4.1.13 Show "Android" by load_565rle_image(INIT_IMAGE_FILE)
      4.1.14 property_set("ro.xxx", ...);
      4.1.15 Trigger "init" (refer to init.rc)
      4.1.16 start_property_service();
      4.1.17 Create a signalling mechanism for the sigchld handler
      4.1.18 Trigger "early-boot"
      4.1.19 Trigger "boot" (refer to init.rc)
      4.1.20 Run all property triggers
      4.1.21 Register file descriptors with polling events

      4.1.22 Infinite Loop  restart_processes() if needed
      4.1.22 .2 Poll registered file descriptors
      4.1.22 .3 Handle revents

      4.2 Start Services in ~/android/system/core/rootdir/init.rc
        *Services: console, adbd, servicemanager,  vold, netd, debuggerd, ril-daemon, zygote,  media, bootanim, dbus, bluetoothd, hfag, opush, pbap, installd, flash_recovery, racoon, mtpd, keystore, dumpstate
        *See the following 
    root@android:/ # ps
    USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
    root      1     0     296    204   c009b74c 0000caac S /init
    root      2     0     0      0     c004e72c 00000000 S kthreadd
    root      3     2     0      0     c003fdc8 00000000 S ksoftirqd/0
    root      4     2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S events/0
    root      5     2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S khelper
    root      6     2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S suspend
    root      7     2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S kblockd/0
    root      8     2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S cqueue
    root      9     2     0      0     c018179c 00000000 S kseriod
    root      10    2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S kmmcd
    root      11    2     0      0     c006fc74 00000000 S pdflush
    root      12    2     0      0     c006fc74 00000000 S pdflush
    root      13    2     0      0     c00744e4 00000000 S kswapd0
    root      14    2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S aio/0
    root      22    2     0      0     c017ef48 00000000 S mtdblockd
    root      23    2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S kstriped
    root      24    2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S hid_compat
    root      25    2     0      0     c004b2c4 00000000 S rpciod/0
    root      26    1     728    404   c0025d68 afd0e56c S /system/bin/sh
    system    27    1     836    264   c01a94a4 afd0dd3c S /system/bin/servicemanager
    root      28    1     3760   528   ffffffff afd0e3ac S /system/bin/vold
    root      29    1     3736   516   ffffffff afd0e3ac S /system/bin/netd
    root      30    1     700    268   c01b52b4 afd0e6cc S /system/bin/debuggerd
    radio     31    1     3356   656   ffffffff afd0e3ac S /system/bin/rild
    nobody    32    1     63140  22560 00000000 8021c5f8 R zygote
    media     33        19852  3724  ffffffff afd0dd3c S /system/bin/mediaserver
    bluetooth 34    1     1288   600   c009b74c afd0eb7c S /system/bin/dbus-daemon
    root      35        832    276   c01b52b4 afd0e6cc S /system/bin/installd
    keystore  36    1     1644   404   c01b52b4 afd0e6cc S /system/bin/keystore
    root      37    1     724    372   c0025d68 afd0e56c S /system/bin/sh
    root      38        852    336   c00b8fec afd0eafc S /system/bin/qemud
    root      40    1     1320   152   ffffffff 0000ee04 S /sbin/adbd
    root      56    37    820    272   c02181f4 afd0da9c S /system/bin/qemu-props
    root      64    26    924    348   00000000 afd0da9c R ps

      *kthreadd: Linex kernel thread daemon
      4.3 Zygote: Start a Dalvik VM instance and System Server.
                In ~/android/frameworks/base/cmds/app_process/app_main.cpp:

                In  ~/android/frameworks/base/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp:
               void AndroidRuntime::start(const char* className, const bool startSystemServer)
               if (startVm(&mJavaVM, &env) != 0)
                In ~/android/frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/SystemServer.java:
                startSystemServer();  4.3.1 Dalvik VM
      4.3.2 System Server: Add Critical System Services
              In ~/android/frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/SystemServer.java
            // Critical services...
            try {
                Slog.i(TAG, "Entropy Service");
                ServiceManager.addService("entropy", new EntropyService());

                Slog.i(TAG, "Power Manager");
                power = new PowerManagerService();
                ServiceManager.addService(Context.POWER_SERVICE, power);

                Slog.i(TAG, "Activity Manager");
                context = ActivityManagerService.main(factoryTest);

                Slog.i(TAG, "Telephony Registry");
                ServiceManager.addService("telephony.registry", new TelephonyRegistry(context));

                Slog.i(TAG, "Package Manager");
                pm = PackageManagerService.main(context,
                        factoryTest != SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_OFF);

                mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
                // The AccountManager must come before the ContentService
                try {
                    Slog.i(TAG, "Account Manager");
                            new AccountManagerService(context));
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting Account Manager", e);

                Slog.i(TAG, "Content Manager");
                        factoryTest == SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL);
                Slog.i(TAG, "System Content Providers");
                Slog.i(TAG, "Battery Service");
                battery = new BatteryService(context);
                ServiceManager.addService("battery", battery);
                Slog.i(TAG, "Lights Service");
                lights = new LightsService(context);
                Slog.i(TAG, "Vibrator Service");
                ServiceManager.addService("vibrator", new VibratorService(context));
                // only initialize the power service after we have started the
                // lights service, content providers and the battery service.
                power.init(context, lights, ActivityManagerService.getDefault(), battery);
                Slog.i(TAG, "Alarm Manager");
                AlarmManagerService alarm = new AlarmManagerService(context);
                ServiceManager.addService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE, alarm);
                Slog.i(TAG, "Init Watchdog");
                Watchdog.getInstance().init(context, battery, power, alarm,
                // Sensor Service is needed by Window Manager, so this goes first
                Slog.i(TAG, "Sensor Service");
                ServiceManager.addService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE, new SensorService(context));
                Slog.i(TAG, "Window Manager");
                wm = WindowManagerService.main(context, power,
                        factoryTest != SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL);
                ServiceManager.addService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE, wm);

    5. Start-up Complete

    [] http://hi.baidu.com/j_fo/blog/item/c782b11bbb16f1178618bf82.html
    []The Android boot process from power on
    [] 如何去寫Android init.rc (Android init language)
    [] http://source.android.com/porting/bring_up.html
    [] http://blog.chinaunix.net/u2/87328/showart_1678365.html
    [] Android Zygote Startup

    2010年10月7日 星期四

    Android Porting: Make Kernel (Example: MSM)

    1. Get Android kernel source code
       git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/common.git

    2. Set Environment Variables for ARM Compiler
     in ~/.bashrc, add
    export ARCH=arm
    export CROSS_COMPLIE=arm-eabi-
    export PATH=$PATH:~/android/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.3.1/bin

    3.  Set Kernel Configuration
    *Based on ~/Documentation/android.txt
    *Use MSM as default config
     hmtsay@ubuntu:~/kernel/froyo$ make msm_defconfig
     Then, customized by  $make menuconfig
    Device Drivers  ---> 
    Network device support  --->
     Wireless LAN  --->
        [*] Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11)   
        [*] IEEE 802.11 for Host AP (Prism2/2.5/3 and WEP/TKIP/CCMP)   
        [*]   Support downloading firmware images with Host AP driver  
        [*]     Support for non-volatile firmware download

      [*] Power supply class support  --->
        [*]   Generic PDA/phone power driver
      [*] MMC/SD card support  --->

    4. add Options in Makefile

    5. make
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/kernel/froyo/arch/arm/boot$ ls -l -a
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 hmtsay hmtsay 1159504 2010-10-07 06:38 zImage
    [] http://nemustech.blogspot.com/2009/04/android-on-s3c6410-target-board.html

    2010年10月6日 星期三

    [Android] Linux Kernel Branch

        -Based on Linux 2.6 with modifications
         1) Memory & Process Management
         2) Permissions-based Secuity model
         3) Network Protocol Stacks
         4) Proven & Mass Drivers: e.g., Display, Camera, Bluetooth, USB, Keypad, WiFi, Audio, Flash
         5) Open Source
         1) Remove Windowing System
         2) Not Support: glibc
         3) Not Support: Standard Linux Utilities
        -Enhancements for Android
         1) Binder: an OpenBinder-based Driver to Reduce IPC (inter-process communication) Overhead,
         2) Power Management: Light Weight, Optimized for Battery-equiped Devices
         3)  Low Memory Killer: 
              -Kill off processes to free up memory based on hints from the userspace.
              -More flexibility than the Out Of Memory (OOM) killer in the standard kernel.
         4) Logger: Llight weight to capture system, radio, logdata, etc.
         5) Alarm: Provide timers to wake the device up from sleep
         6) USB Gadget: Provide USB function framework.
         7) PMEM: Provide contiguous physical memory regions to userspace libraries that interact with the digital signal processor (DSP) and other specific hardware.
         8) Ashmem (anonymous Shared Memory): new shared memory allocator for Binder
         9) EABI (embedded Application Binary Interface) []http://kezeodsnx.pixnet.net/blog/post/25839746
        [] http://developer.android.com/guide/basics/what-is-android.html
        [] http://elinux.org/Android_Kernel_Features

    [Android] Kernel Layout

    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/kernel/froyo$ ls
    arch     Documentation  init    MAINTAINERS  REPORTING-BUGS  usr
    block    drivers        ipc     Makefile     samples         virt
    COPYING  firmware       Kbuild  mm           scripts
    CREDITS  fs             kernel  net          security
    crypto   include        lib     README       sound

    Note. Android specific drivers is in ~/drivers/misc.
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/kernel/froyo/drivers/misc$ ls
    acer-wmi.c       fujitsu-laptop.c   kgdbts.c           sgi-xp
    asus-laptop.c    hdpuftrs           lkdtm.c            sony-laptop.c
    atmel_pwm.c      hpilo.c            logger.c           tc1100-wmi.c
    atmel-ssc.c      hpilo.h            lowmemorykiller.c  thinkpad_acpi.c
    atmel_tclib.c    hp-wmi.c           Makefile           tifm_7xx1.c
    binder.c         ibmasm             msi-laptop.c       tifm_core.c
    compal-laptop.c  intel_menlow.c     phantom.c          timed_gpio.c
    eeepc-laptop.c   ioc4.c             pmem.c             timed_output.c
    eeprom_93cx6.c   Kconfig            ram_console.c      uid_stat.c
    enclosure.c      kernel_debugger.c  sgi-gru

    2010年10月5日 星期二

    [Android] Project Layout

    Core Project: foundation of the Android platform
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android$ ls
    bionic    cts          device      hardware  ndk       prebuilt
    bootable  dalvik       external    libcore   out      
    sdkbuild     development  frameworks  Makefile  packages  system

    [] http://sites.google.com/a/android.com/opensource/projects
    cts: Compatibility Test Suite
    kernel: No (separated Android from Linux kernel)
    libcore: ?
    ndk: Provide tools and documentation for developers to create native code shared libraries.
    out: Compile results? (see PS)
    sdk: Provide tools, sample code, and docs for developer to create great applications.

    External Project: Android makes use of many other open source projects
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android/external$ ls
    apache-http  elfutils    ipsec-tools     netperf   srec
    astl         embunit     iptables        neven     stlport
    bison        emma        jdiff           opencore  strace
    blktrace     esd         jhead           openssl   svox
    bluetooth    expat       jpeg            oprofile  tagsoup
    bsdiff       fdlibm      jsilver         ping      tcpdump
    bzip2        freetype    jsr305          ppp       tinyxml
    clearsilver  fsck_msdos  junit           proguard  tremolo
    dbus         genext2fs   kernel-headers  qemu      v8
    dhcpcd       giflib      libffi          quake     webkit
    dnsmasq      grub        libpcap         safe-iop  wpa_supplicant
    dropbear     gtest       libpng          skia      wpa_supplicant_6e2fsprogs    guava       libxml2         sonivox   xmlwritereasymock     icu4c       mtpd            speex     yaffs2
    elfcopy      iproute2    netcat          sqlite    zlib

    Packages: standard Android applications and services
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android/packages$ ls
    apps  experimental  inputmethods  providers  wallpapers
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android/packages$ ls apps/
    AccountsAndSyncSettings  CertInstaller  Launcher2         QuickSearchBox
    AlarmClock               Contacts       Mms               Settings
    Bluetooth                DeskClock      Music             SoundRecorder
    Browser                  Email          PackageInstaller  SpeechRecorder
    Calculator               Gallery        Phone             Stk
    Calendar                 Gallery3D      Protips           VoiceDialer
    Camera                   HTMLViewer     Provision
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android/packages$ ls providers/
    ApplicationsProvider  DownloadProvider        MediaProvider
    CalendarProvider      DrmProvider             TelephonyProvider
    ContactsProvider      GoogleContactsProvider  UserDictionaryProvider

    PS. out/: compile results
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android/out$ ls
    casecheck.txt  CaseCheck.txt  host  target  tmp  versions_checked.mk

    PS. The system image of Android 2.2 Froyo is about 60MB. 
    hmtsay@ubuntu:~/android/out/target/product/generic$ ls -l -a
    total 60064
    drwxr-xr-x  7 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 07:52 .
    drwxr-xr-x  3 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 05:51 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 hmtsay hmtsay        7 2010-10-04 07:52 android-info.txt
    -rw-r--r--  1 hmtsay hmtsay     1160 2010-10-04 05:51 clean_steps.mk
    drwxr-xr-x  3 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 06:20 data
    -rw-r--r--  1 hmtsay hmtsay    16134 2010-10-04 07:52 installed-files.txt
    drwxr-xr-x 13 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 07:44 obj
    -rw-r--r--  1 hmtsay hmtsay       50 2010-10-04 05:51 previous_build_config.mk
    -rw-r--r--  1 hmtsay hmtsay   166468 2010-10-04 07:52 ramdisk.img
    drwxr-xr-x  8 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 06:21 root
    drwxr-xr-x  4 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 06:21 symbols
    drwxr-xr-x 10 hmtsay hmtsay     4096 2010-10-04 07:35 system
    -rw-------  1 hmtsay hmtsay 59794944 2010-10-04 07:52 system.img-rw-------  1 hmtsay hmtsay  1482624 2010-10-04 07:52 userdata.img

    [Android] Development

    1. Application (JAVA)

    2. Target Porting
      *Target: Board
        -Linux Kernel Driver
        -Android Platform HAL Driver
      *Target: CPU
        -Build Environment: Complier Flags, Linker Scripts, Prelinnk Map
        -C Library: Assembly, System Call stubs, Dynamic Linking Linker
        -ELF Processing Tool: Prelinker (apriori), Strip (soslim), ELF Section Processing (elfutils)
        -Dalvik Call Bridge: Assembly
        -Tool Chain

    3. System Service
       -Bottom-up Design
       1) Add Native Library (C, C++)
       2) Add JAVA Classes in Platform Framework
       3) Connect JAVA Classes and Native Library via  JNI Interface
       4) Application calls new JAVA classes.

    Android Eco-system

    1. Software Developers  (Applications, Middlewares, Android Market)
    2. Hardware Component Provider (ICs, Modules, Sensors)
    3. Device Provider (Smart Phone, Tablet, Netbook, E-book, ...)
    4. Infra-structure Provider (3G WCDMA, 3.5G HSDPA, USUPA , 4G LTE)
    5. Service Provider
    6. Users

    Android Architecture

    Android Architecture (including Patrick Brady's HAL)


    *4 Levels:
      1.Linux Kernel
        See Android Branch
      2. Runtmie Middleware
        1) Dalvik Virtual Machine for JAVA
          -Each application runs in its own porcess with its own instance of VM. Dalvik can handle multiple VMs. 
          -Register-based Architecture (True Java VMs are stack machines.): Less Instructions & Fast Execution
          -Dalvik Executable (.dex) format, Optimizations for memory, not Java bytecode
          - Compilation: .java --> .class --> .dex      -Android 2.2, Dalvik has a just-in-time compiler to speed up execution of bytecode
    by compiling some or all of it to native machine code.
         2) Core Libraries (by JAVA) 
         -JAVA APIs: Data Structures, Utilities, File Access, Network Access, Graphics, ... (e.g., new)  
         3) Native Libraries (by C/C++)
           3.1 Bionic libc
              -Google customized C compiler for Android
                *License Issue: Bionic is BSD license to keep GPL out of user-space.
                *Small Size: about 200K, half  of glibc (GNU libc)
                *Fast Speed: small size & fast speed of pthread(POSIX Threads) implementation
                *Built-in support for important Android-specific services such as system properties and logging.
                *Not fully compatible to glib: not support all POSIX features not needed on Android.
          2.2 Media Framework
             - Based on PacketVideo OpenCore
             -Support: standard video, audio, still-frame formats
             -Support: hardware/software codec plug-ins

    ü      3.3 WebKit  web browser
             -Open source
             -Render pages in full (desktop) view
             -Support Full CSS, JavaScript, DOM, AJAX 
             -Support single-column and adaptive view rendering

          3.4 SQLite
    ü         -Light-weight relational database management system
             -Popular in many systems         

           3.5 Surface Manager (Surface Flinger)
             -Combine 2D and 3D surfaces from multiple applications to frame buffer device
           -Surfaces passed as buffers via Binder IPC calls
           -Can use OpenGL ES and 2D hardware accelerator for its compositions
           -Double-buffering using page-flip
          3.6 Audio Manager (Audio Flinger): Processing multiple audio streams into PCM audio out paths
          3.7 SGL: 2D graphics engine
        3) HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
          *In user space, Define the standardized interface for hardware drivers
          *Separate Android Platform from Linux Kernel
          *HW Drivers under HAL are not GPL-licensed and not required to be released

      3.Application Framework
        *Define component APIs used by the core applications
        *Developers reuse/replace the same components easily.   

    Components to build appplications (e.g., lists, grids, text boxes, buttons, and embedded web browser)
    Access data from other applications or to share their own data
    Provide access to non-code resources (e.g., localized string, graphics, and layout files)
    Notification Manager
    Display customer alerts in the status bar
    Manage the lifecycle of (window) applications and provide a common navigation backstack
      4. Applications
      -Programming by JAVA
      -Core Applications: üEmail Client, SMS Program, Calendar, Maps, Browser, üContacts

      PS. 2& 3 are middlewares
      Note. Kernel Layer are GPL license; Other layers are Apache License.

    Android Products:
     *SmartPhone, SmartBook (netbook), Tablet, Set-top Box, E-book, ...
          3.8 3D Libraries
    ü          -Based on OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs
    ü          -Can use H/W 3D acceleration oroptimized 3D S/W rasterizer
          3.9 FreeType: Rendering bitmap and vector font

    Android Features

    Android Features
    1. Open (Source code)
    2. Free Services
    3. Cloud Computing/Storing
    4. Support multiple hardware platform based on Linux Kernel
    5. Adpots Standardized Technologies
    6. Ready SDK, Tools, & Document

    and refer to
    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system)
    2. http://developer.android.com/guide/basics/what-is-android.html

    2010年10月4日 星期一

    Android Porting: Make Platform

    1. Setup VMware Player
    2. Install ubuntu for Linux
    3. Add Packages for Getting and Building Source Code
      $sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zliblg-dev
      Issue 1: Add JAVA 5/6 package
      Issue 2. Add repo
        <Step 1>curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo
        <Step 2>chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
        <Step 3> export PATH=~/bin/repo:$PATH
    3. Get Android Code Bases
      3.1 Get Android platform source code
      <Step 1> repo init –u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git –b android-2.2_r1
      <Step 2> repo sync

    4. Build

       Issue 1: Build Android 2.2 froyo only in 64bit environment.
       Issue 2:  Build Android 2.2 froyo only by JDK6

    [] Android Platform Development Kit: http://www.kandroid.org/android_pdk/index.html
      *Device Requirements:  http://www.kandroid.org/android_pdk/system_requirements.html

    2010年9月15日 星期三

    Setup SVN for Android Application Development in Eclipse IDE

    1.  Make TortoiseSVN ignore /bin and /gen directorys.
         Right Click the directory,  Tortoise->SVNSettings->General. Under "subverion",  add "bin gen" to global ignore pattern.

    2. Make Eclipse ignore .svn directories
        Window -> Preferences…, Java -> Compiler -> Building. Under “Output folder” add “.svn/” to “Filtered Resources” (so that you get “.svn/”).
    refer to http://blog.projectnibble.org/2009/08/11/repost-make-eclipse-ignore-svn-directories/

    3. Make Araxis Merge ignore /bin and /gen directorys.
        View->options->Folder Comparisons->Filters as the following figure.

    2010年9月9日 星期四

    Development Environment Setup

    Code Editing
    Eclipse: eclipse-jee-helios-win32(1)
    Source Insight: Si3564Setup
    Ultraedit: ue_english
    Merge: merge2010_Win32_3829

    Version Control Environment
    Apache for SVN: httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
    SVN Server: VisualSVN-Server-2.1.3
    SVN Client: TortoiseSVN-